How to expand your horizon
“Keep your horizons broad and ever-expanding. Don’t become narrow in your search for knowledge and never forget that wisdom is the proper use of the knowledge you have acquired. A lesson is not taught until we live it.”
I love the above quote by Harold Lee because his wisdom sets the stage for this blog post. I can remember being thirsty for knowledge as soon as I was able to read my first book because books are magical, inspiring and healing.
When my daughter was in High School she was asked to describe her mother in one word. She picked the word “Inquisitive”. I was surprised, but also humbled, that she picked this word. Of course, I would have been equally happy if she would have described me as “fun” or “cool”… ;)
The word “Inquisitive” can have a negative connotation, such as being improperly curious about the affairs of others. To me, being inquisitive means that I want to get to know people on a deeper level and widen my intellectual horizon. Also, a broader horizon provides us with a more flexible mindset, makes life more interesting, makes it easier to see other peoples’ perspectives and allows us to foster our curiosity.
I believe most people have an inquisitive mind because it’s in our nature to ask questions, to hone our intellectual minds and to appease our curiosity.
What are some ways we can expand our horizon?
1. Get to know people who have nothing or little in common with you.
We tend to associate with people who are like-minded because it reinforces our belief-system. The problem with that is that it makes us more rigid in our thinking because we don’t have to consider different perspectives and world views. Take the time to get to know people who have different spiritual and cultural beliefs, opposite political views, unique life experiences or seem to have nothing in common with you. This experience will not only make you more compassionate towards everyone’s personal struggles but also broaden your perspective.
2. Intentionally do things that are out of your comfort zone.
Most of us love our comfort zone because it makes us feel safe. The problem with your comfort zone is it will keep you from experiencing life to the fullest, it will make you complacent, it will make you miss new opportunities, and it will keep you from growing into your full potential.
What was the last thing you did that was out of your comfort zone?
It could be anything you haven’t done or tried before, like moving to a different state (even better, moving to a new country), or it could be something that seems scary and dangerous, like skydiving or eating a fried scorpion on a stick (as seen on many travel shows but I’m not sure if I would try it….lol). Don’t dream your life because the reality can be so much more exciting than your fantasies.
3. Ask questions, be curious.
As children we annoyed our parents with our unbounded curiosity, eventually we became adults and our curiosity seemed to fade away. It’s not that our curiosity vanished into thin air; it’s more about our daily problems slowly eating away at our young, curious spirit. I asked a friend what he likes to do to expand his horizon. I loved his answer so much that I’m going to steal it for this blog post. He said: “What I like to do to expand my horizon is stay curious. Curiosity is the gateway to exploring all things, all possibilities and keeps us wanting to know how to get better and meet our full potentials in our relationships and within ourselves. Curiosity is a powerful force!” Now, unleash your inner child (or “Dora the
Explorer”) and start discovering what life and this planet has to offer.
4. Change up your routine
OK, I have to admit I’m a routine person. I like to start my day drinking coffee (preferably Pumpkin Spice, but my friends already know I have an obsession….lol) and watching a Documentary or House Hunters International. If my routine gets disturbed by unforeseen forces I can become a little annoyed. Routines can be a good thing if they are part of a self-care ritual or bonding time with a loved one. The problem with routines it makes us less flexible and open-minded. How can we expand our horizon if we always do the same thing?
5. Travel……yes please!
Think about your last vacation. What did you like the best about it? Did you return home with a sense of excitement because you saw some cool things and ate some delicious food? Traveling and learning about new cultures is probably one of the best ways to widen your horizon. You are exposed to exotic foods, different architecture and landscapes, foreign languages and customs. If you don’t have a bucket list it’s fun to make one….even if most of the trips might be wishful thinking or daunting (like hiking the Appalachian trails…snakes, bears and eating freeze dried food? I’ll pass for now!).
6. Practice mindfulness
By now, most of us know that practicing mindfulness is supposed to be good for us. Some of the benefits of mindfulness are stress reduction, it makes us feel connected to Mother Nature and the Universe, it eases depressive symptoms and increases cognitive functions. Another benefit that can help broaden our horizon is increased “Awareness”. If your mind is too clouded by stress, negative emotions, deadlines, etc., you cannot fully become aware of your surroundings, the people in your orbit and your inner vibes.
Here are some other tips to expand your horizon:
Watch documentaries
Join a book club, bible study or a discussion group
Listen to podcasts or audiobooks
Join a hiking or walking club
Learn to meditate (some people like to sit or lay down, whereas other people meditate walking on the beach while looking for sea shells)
Create a vision or inspirational board
Start a new hobby
Learn a new language or skill
Take some cooking or baking classes
Take a college class for fun…don’t roll your eyes at me : )
Surround yourself with people who inspire you
Read, read, read, and read……the old fashion way with a paper book ; )
Practice empathy
Listen with an open mind
Be a sponge for new information and knowledge
Now, go out there and explore, have fun, make new friends, eat some weird food, learn about different cultures and unleash your inner child : )